
Guilty Beauty Love Chapter 9

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After I had eaten whatever I could salvage from the stove top, I went upstairs to get Ed's dishes and check on him.
I slowly opened the door to his room, seeing the empty tray pushed to the foot of the bed. And Edward, with his eyes closed, a peaceful expression on his face, breathing softly.
"Edward?" I questioned, as I quietly strode across the room to the bed. I slowly brushed some hair that was in his face, behind his ear. Leaning forward I kissed his forehead, and then leaned back.
'I suppose those painkillers were a bit much for him,' I thought as I grabbed his tray and left back downstairs.
As I was washing the dishes the phone rang.
"Damn it!"
I dropped the dish in the sink that was full of sudsy water. The water from there splashed on to me.
I then ran for the phone, praying that it hadn't woken Edward up. I reached the phone in the living room on its final ring, tripping on my own feet just after answering.
"Gah, uh…Hello?" I stuttered after regaining my balance and holding onto the phone's end table and I tried to ease my weight off my injured leg.
"Roy? Oh, good! You guys are there. Did you find my note?" the younger Elric's voice sounded quiet relieved through the phone line.
I sighed again into the phone, "Yes Alphonse. But why did Winry take you along if she knew Edward would be coming home?" I asked quickly, honestly wanting to know why, as my thoughts began to drift to what could have happened if I hadn't been the one to escort Ed, and Armstrong had done so instead…not a pretty picture.
"Oh, she dragged me out the house just after I got off the phone with you. I barely was able to write the note! I wasn't able to get a word in edge-wise till after we had been on the train for an hour. Sorry."
I shivered as I looked down at my shirt, it was soaking wet from the dish water, soap suds still clinging to the fabric. Cold air seeped into the room from the nearby window.
'I should change after I get off the phone. I certainly don't want to get sick too.'
"It's alright Alphonse; we had to leave the wheelchair behind on the road. The snow got too deep for the wheelchair to move in."
"I forgot about the snow-/ack!/"
There was a slight tumble over the phone before a new speaker took hold of it.
"How are the automail ports?!"
I blinked; of course his wrench toting mechanic would want to know his condition, after a long walk in the freezing cold weather.
"He has mild frost-bite that should clear up quickly, and had a slight fever for a bit. I found medicine and towels, so there was no problem. I gave Ed breakfast and some painkillers, he's asleep right now."
"Good, sounds okay. Here's Al," a slight shuffle in the background and Alphonse was back.
"Well Roy, I just wanted to be sure you and Brother had gotten in and were alright," Alphonse paused for a second before continuing. "I know how you feel about my brother and how he feels about you. But you have to remember; Ed did have a heart attack. You can't tease him too much, or make him do anything stressful.
"And I know what you're thinking, 'how could he do anything stressful without automail?' What I basically mean Roy is /no/ sex."
I blinked once.
I blinked twice.
I blinked thrice.
"Al-Alphonse! I-I wouldn't…" I stuttered and trailed off remembering how I had felt last night; taking care of Ed's frost-bite.
"Roy, I trust you. I just don't want my brother to have a heart attack again. So at least for now /no sex/. I don't have much time left, but I'll try to call back later tonight to tell you when we'll be back. Say 'hello' to Brother for me, bye!"
And he hung up before I could get a single word in.
I stared at the phone for a few minutes, in complete shock.
Then a rather unpleasantly cold breeze came through the window…
'I need to go change…'
I walked leisurely up the stairs and into the guest room where I had set up the suitcase. Once I got to the door partially closed door, I bumped it open and started to take off my shirt.


I heard a faint crash downstairs, which woke me from my light sleep. The crash was followed by Roy cursing. I sighed quietly as I tried to listen for what was going on downstairs.
The phone was ringing, and there was another crash, more swearing. Then the ringing was cut off.
After that it got much too quiet for my liking.
'I'm sick of it. I don't want to be alone anymore,' I could feel myself beginning to spaz out, breath coming quickly from my mouth.
I attempted at sitting my self up, only succeeding in pulling myself up a few inches on the pillow. I took deep breaths trying to tell myself that Roy was still there, and he'd be back with me soon. But there was something about the darkness, and quietness that just would not let me be at peace.
I barely heard the stairs creak as Roy came up over my breathing. Though hearing him brought some relief to my mind, and my breathing slowed considerably back to normal.
'See,' I thought to myself, wiggling a bit further into the blankets and pillows, 'Here comes Roy, now I won't be alone!'
The door opened, and all I saw was Roy's chest and those well toned abs.
I could feel heat flood my face instantly.
Roy walked over to the suitcase and took out a shirt before leaving his crumpled, seemingly wet, dressy blue shirt on the floor. Turning, leaving me to stare at his back. My face was burning.
He then turned back around, facing me. Eyes downcast, never meeting mine, as he put on a plain white undershirt.
I couldn't look away or make a noise, nothing.
When he looked back up, he stared right into my eyes in shock. Blushing so faintly I barely noticed.
"Oh, um…Ed, I-I forgot you were there. Sorry."
My head snapped down, an overwhelming feeling of sadness and depression hung over me. Those simple words impacting me greatly.
I was hyperventilating again, but this time I could not calm myself down at all. My eyes widened in surprise. The darkness seemed to be chocking me, sudden silence deafening me. I stared at Roy pleading for help with my eyes.
Roy's eyes grew in shock. He murmured my name before rushing over to the bed and helping me sit up in his lap.
Roy rubbed my back in comforting circles trying to calm me down. Holding me close, whispering soft words into my ear.
My breathing slowed and I found that tears were streaming down my face in steady rivers. A sob worked its way up my throat, and Roy held me closer, one hand still rubbing my back, other petting my head. I wrapped my arm around him and held on tight.
I found myself rather tired again, tears still running down my face, unable to tame them.
"R-Roy?" I hiccupped between the sobs that continued to rack my body.
I felt the vibration in his chest, and heard him hum a response to my quiet question.
"Please, d-don't l-leave me alone. Please don't forget me." I whimpered.
He 'Shh'-ed me, and rocked me back and forth in his lap.
"I won't leave Ed. I promise."
After rocking for a while the tears slowed to a stop, my breathing slow and easy, eyes beginning to droop.
Roy sighed into my ear, before starting to talk in a soft quiet voice, "Alphonse called earlier. He says Winry forced him to go with her for your automail supplies. He hopes to be back soon, he says 'hi'."
I smiled into Roy's shoulder, happy to hear from Al. I breathed out slowly, tiredly and turned my head to Roy's neck. Kissing it softly before murmuring 'I love you.' And burrowing my head in his neck. Swiftly drifting off again to the rhythm of Roy's breathing.
Well, here's another, I've been feeling so inspired to write lately! tehee...or should i say type?^^
so i've finally typed chapter 12, for those on fanfiction who had to wait 4 months for me to post chapter 10 and 11 they'll be quiet happy i'm sure! ^^
so this is chapter 9....i edited it a bit from what i have posted on fanfiction...yay!
so... :iconhelloplz: <-- i just LOVE this one ^^
© 2010 - 2024 X-Feli-chan-X
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SatansFantasticSons's avatar
"Well Roy, I just wanted to be sure you and Brother had gotten in and were alright," Alphonse paused for a second before continuing. "I know how you feel about my brother and how he feels about you. But you have to remember; Ed did have a heart attack. You can't tease him too much, or make him do anything stressful.
"And I know what you're thinking, 'how could he do anything stressful without automail?' What I basically mean Roy is /no/ sex."
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! At first I reacted like roy, then I just laughed when I read his reaction :D
I don't know why but I said out loud ''Is it just me, or are roy and I siblings?'' I do not know why I said that but that part has made me laugh a lot.